
Tree huggers

I like the Greenpeace bus!

A bit ironic that these clowns are driving a gas-guzzling, pollution spewing totally energy- inefficient steel monster, n'est pas? But I guess the "rules don't apply to them" b/c they care.....

LOL...5 miles per gallon, very environmentally conscious. We'll all be driving Yugos and getting "squashed beneath a produce truck" while they stretch out in their gas-guzzling eco-nazi bus preaching how we should outlaw the nice, safe big automobiles! ROFL doing the math:

6 people in the bus, plus a radio station and sleeping quarters @ 5 MPG (the given estimate).

Figuring a honda civic getting 35 MPG, it would take two honda civics to carry the people, plus a third to pull the radio / communication equipment and a fourth to tow the trailer to sleep in.

That's 35/4 or 8.75 MPG. Oh, and then there's the maintenance on 4 vehicles instead of one and the time needed to set up and tear down all of the equipment in any trailers or packed in the cars.

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