Ice Breakers
Ways To Start a Conversation

Okay, you want to start a conversation with that guy or girl
you have been crushing on but you think you can't then I
think we can help you out a little.

Well here are some good conversation starters.

If he is behind you in math you could ask him/her...
How did you figure out question number ___?


You are side by side in a ticket line, you could ask...
What good shows/movies have you seen lately?


They are by you at a game, you could ask...
Did you see who scored that point?


They are new in town, you could ask...
So what was your old town like?


They are walking their dog, you could say...
What a adorable dog, what kind of dog is that?


Just a conversation starter to check out that great face of
Do you have change for a dollar? (while they are checking
keep on talking)


Forget your book for class, you could ask...
May I share your __________ book with you?


You meet them on vacation or party, you could ask...
So where are you from?


They were absent yesterday, you could say...
Weren't you absent yesterday, or
class wasn't the same with out you.

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