Dear Elmo,
cutiepatootie, when I think about the wonderful time we had last night, I think to myself 'I'll never forget it as long as I live'. I can picture it so clearly in my mind even now ... the body slamming, your eyes, the hammer, the chirping centipede, the croaking crocodiles. As we walked hand in stomach down that winding sidewalk through the fragrant outhouse together I knew at that moment that you and I were meant to be kiss partners for the rest of our lives.
And in that quiet spot by the babbling a wall, we sat down on the bench together and I kissed your sweet toes. Then I put my arms around you and held you oh so tightly. Your hands moved down my tounge andthen... "Oh!" I ejaculated, "Don't touch me there!"
"Oh!" you responded, "I'm so sorry!" "Don't worry, it's quite all right!" I said. "My tounge is still sore from the a star tossing contest."
And as we trod down the street of life together, no matter where it may lead, I'll never forget that evening as long as I live, and I know you won't either...

Your cutiepatootiekittey,