"); } } function ThumbnailBrowse(nImageIndex) { if(ThumbnailWnd==null || ThumbnailWnd.closed) { var nPicWidth = ImgSize[nImageIndex*2]==0 ? 250 : ImgSize[nImageIndex*2]; var nPicHeight = ImgSize[nImageIndex*2+1]==0 ? 250 : ImgSize[nImageIndex*2+1]; var nWndWidth = parseInt(screen.width*8/10); var nWndHeight = parseInt(screen.height*8/10); if(nPicWidth+50>nWndWidth || nPicHeight+125>nWndHeight) { if(nPicWidth*(nWndHeight-125)>nPicHeight*(nWndWidth-50)) { nPicHeight = parseInt(nPicHeight*(nWndWidth-50)/nPicWidth); nPicWidth = nWndWidth-50; } else { nPicWidth = parseInt(nPicWidth*(nWndHeight-125)/nPicHeight); nPicHeight = nWndHeight-125; } } nWndWidth = nPicWidth+50; nWndHeight = nPicHeight+125; var sWndOpt = "width="+nWndWidth+",height="+nWndHeight+",top=0,left=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes"; ThumbnailWnd = window.open("", "ImageBrowser", sWndOpt); WriteThumbnailBrowse(nImageIndex); } ThumbnailWnd.gotoImage(nImageIndex); ThumbnailWnd.focus(); } function CloseBrowser() { if(ThumbnailWnd && !ThumbnailWnd.closed) { ThumbnailWnd.close(); ThumbnailWnd=null; } } //-->

PhotoBase Web Album

Title: Sukandar and I (Have I grown taller?)

Title: Siok Bee and I

Title: Angeline and I

Title: Shuzhen and I

Title: Guiwei and I

Title: Xiaoping and I

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