WWF Christmas
The Night Before Raw
I wrote this last December for a friend for Christmas...but I just changed a few thing for the sake of rhyme...most of the poem revolves around the way things were then, but I put Chyna and The Giant in the corp. (it sounded better than what I had) And I put Shawn Michaels with DX...because...well, because I can!
‘Twas the night before RAW
When all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
(except for Mankind)
Stone Cold was sitting by the
Chimney with beer
Hoping The Undertaker
would not appear
Marisa was sleeping all snug
in her bed
While dreams of Shawn Michaels
*danced* in her head;
Val Venis in his towel,
Godfather with his ho’s,
Had just settled down for
a game of Strip Poker
When out on the corporate lawn,
there arose such a clatter,
I ran from ringside
to see what was the matter
Out the front doors I ran like a flash
I opened my eyes and let out a gasp!
At what I saw out on the street, (brightly as day from the flashing lights)
What then did to my appalled eyes appear
But a corporate sleigh, pulled by several wrestlers!
With a skanky old driver, so mean and hard hearted
I knew in a moment, it must be McMahon.
More rapid then eagles his coursers they came,
And he ranted and raved, and Called them by name:
"Now Rocky! Now Shane! Now Bossman and Kane!
On Shamrock! On Paul! On Chyna and Test!
Into the building! Into the Ring!
To the squared circle, victory bring,
Unto upon us, The Corporate Team!"
So to the ring, they went to fight,
and challenged their rivals,
Known to us as
In the ring waiting
For them was DX
HHH, and X-Pac, HBK (and this time, Mankind)
And of course NAO
The WWF Tag team...
Well, we know the rest!
As the Corporate Team entered the
HHH asked "Are you ready?, Then for the thousands watching at home and the mil......"
Rocky Heard this and
Declared for all
"The Rock says ‘Know your role, and Shut your Mouth!’"
Laying the smackdown, the
corporate began
With elbows and eyebrows flying around
But our DX, with a few clever moves
reversed the smackdown
and caused the Corprates a lose!
DX then left,
but the night was not over
Soon the lights dimmed,
and Goth music came over,
From a circle of flames
Gangrel walked out
With a chalice of blood (???)
He walked to the ring
The Brood by his side
Walked into the ring
Team corporate inside
And out of spite, and just for kicks,
gave the whole team a bath, (a blood one, at that!!!) or that is
As the Night ended HHH
had one thing to say
"Suck it to all.
And to all, a good lay!"