The rating System
The rating system- Devised by the Motion Picture Association of America and
adapted by ~C~.
Sex- Closed mouthed kissing and hugging.
Violence- Wrestling related only. No blood.
Language- No foul language. No cussing.
Sex- Mild tongue action and hugging.
Violence- Wrestling related, backstage brawls, and a little blood.
Language- Mild cussing. I'll deciede where I draw the line after I've read it =)
Sex- Tongue, mild groping, and of course-hugging.
Violence- In and out of ring. Blood. Pretty much anything goes.
Language- Cussing. Some rude language. Again, I'll draw the line once I've read it.
Sex- Tongue, groping, hugging, mild nudity.
Violence- Pretty much anything goes.
Language- Pretty much anything goes.
Sex- Anything goes.
Violence- Anything goes.
Language- Anything goes.
~*~ If you have a problem with my rating system, tell me and I'll explain why I chose it. Don't get snotty, if you do that guarantees it won't be changed. I might make exceptions, I might not. This is not written in stone and will probably be changed along the way. Peace love and have a slurpy! -C- ~*~