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客家人的祖先本來是住在黃河一帶的古代漢族。因為戰亂經過了六拜大搬遷成為今下的客家民族。第一拜為秦始皇統一中原時期大概公元前221年,第二拜為五胡亂華東晉 政府南遷時期大概公元317年。第三拜為唐末黃巢之亂大概970年。這個時期,客家人開始搬到江西省南部、閩西、粵東一帶。第四拜為蒙古人南下時期大概1270年;第五拜為滿族入關時期;第六拜為太平天國失敗時期大概1864年。

在唐山廣東省,有三十五個純客家縣,閩西有八個純客家縣,江西有十個純客家縣。當中,梅州市是客家人口密度最高同人口最集中大概六百 萬,就成為唐山客家文化中心。唐山客家人約有三千萬。

在台灣,客家人集中在桃園縣,新竹縣,苗栗縣同屏東縣,大概有三百萬。在馬來西亞,客家人約有一百 萬,比較集中在闢靂州,雪蘭俄州同東馬。客家人也有流離到世界各地被稱為東方的猶太人。

客家風雲人物在漢有張良;在唐有張九齡、郭子儀。在宋有岳飛、文天祥 。在明有朱熹;在清有洪秀全。近代有孫中山、新加玻李光耀、吳作棟;台灣李登輝、吳伯雄;唐山葉劍英、鄧小平;馬來西亞葉亞來(開拓首都吉隆玻)。


十九世紀初,德國傳教士在客家人地區傳教。今五華縣仍有其福音種。瑞士巴色差會(The Basel Mission)在1860年出版客家馬太福音。客家人洪秀全入教後在廣西率領客家人同本地人械鬥中,打出太平天國口號要建立基督教中國。 著名傳教士載德生受到太平天國的鼓舞提早到中國。但是,太平天國變質慘敗收場,掀起客家人最尾一拜大搬遷。

The Hakka ancestors originated from Huang Ho(Yellow River) and founded the core Chinese culture. Due to invasions and wars, the ancient Hans had six major migrations and eventually become today's Hakka. The first major migration started around 221BC when Chin emperor from the West China(considered a barbaric state) conquered whole China. The second major migration was around 317AD when central government was moved South due to invasions. The third major migration occurred at the end of Tang dynasty when a rebellous leader Huang Chao wrecked havoc throughout China. It was on this third major migration that Hakkas began to occupy the southern Jiang Si province, north west Fujian province, and north east Kwang Tung province. The forth major migration occurred when Mongolian invaded China. The fifth major migration occurred when Manchurian conquered China. The sixth major migration occurred when the Hakka-led rebellion against the Manchu government failed around 1864.

In mainland China, there are 35 Hakka majority counties in Kwang Tung province, 8 Hakka majority counties in Fukien province, and 10 Hakka majority counties in Jiang Si province. MeiZhou city area is the center of the Hakkas as it has the highest concentration of the Hakka people (MeiZhou population 6 million). In mainland China, Hakka are estimated anywhere from 30 million to 40 million.

In Taiwan, the Hakkas concentrated in Tao Yuan county, Hsin Chu county, Miao Li county and Ping Tung county and numbers around 3 millions. In Malaysia, there are about 1 million Hakkas and Hakkas are the majority in Chinese community in East Malaysia. There are Hakkas all over the world and Hakkas are known as the Jews of the Orient.

Famous People
Chang Liang helped founded the Han dynasty. Chang Chiu Ling was a prime minister during Tang dynasty. Famous general Yue Fei of Sung dynasty, another prime minister Wen Tian Siang of Sung dynasty. Chu Xi, a famous confucian scholar during Ming dynasty. Hung Xiu Chuan who led the heavenly Kingdom rebellion against the Manchu government during Ching dynasty. Dr. Sun Yet-Sen who overthrew the Manchu government in 1910. Singapore prime minister Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore prime minister Goh Chuk Tong; Taiwan president Lee Teng Hui, and China's leader Teng Hsiao Peng.

Ding Jiang river
The Hakka mother statue in the front page depict the Ding Jiang river. When the Hakkas arrived in southern Jiang Si province, the Hakkas depended on Ding Jiang river to move into western Fuk Kien, eastern Kwang Tung, and towards Swatow and to South East Asia and the world. The river helped the Hakkas expanded their land, population, economic and cultural base.

In the early 19th century, German missionaries spreaded the Gospel among the Hakkas. The Basel Mission of Switzerland published gospel of Mathew in 1860. Hung Xiu Chuan after converted into Chri