

Manifest of the Social-political Movement "EURASIA"
Program of the Social-political Movement "EURASIA"

Alexandr Dugin

The Great War of Continents

The secret fight between Eurasist and Atlantist Orders

with a foreword by Vladimir Putin
Russia always felt itself as an eurasian country (comments by A.G.Dugin)
Dugin´s interview on the Financial Times
Alexandr Dugin: Will the Russian bear roar again?



The Great War of Continents (eng.) Third part of Dugin's "Konspirologya"
From Sacred Geography to Geopolitics (Ot sakral'naja geographii i geopolitikii)
The Paradigm of the End (eng.)
" Financialism ", the Supreme Stage of Development of Capitalism (eng.)
Post Liberal Era in Russia
The magic disillusion of a nacionalist intellectual
Thesis on NBP, Post-NBP, National-Bolshevism, New Arctogaia Strategy, Invasion, New University
Just " bolshevism " (eng.) stretching for the Holster
When there is Nobody left
The Metaphysics of National-Bolshevism (eng.)
National-Bolshevism or Nothing
Ideology of the World Government
On the Paths to Eurasia (eng.)
The situation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (eng.)
Star of an Invisible Empire (on Jean Parvulescu)
Five theses on the meaning of the life
The Hand is stretching for the Holster
Knights Templars of the Proletariat
Lyapunov Time
Subject without confines
Der Arbeiter (on Ernst Jünger)
Dostoyevskiy and the metaphysics of St. Petersburg
To understand is to defeat
ORION, or the Heroes' Conspiracy
The Gnostic
We are going to cure you with poison
Man-runes from the Amur river basin


Le complot ideologique du “Cosmisme Russe”
Julius Evola et le traditionalisme russe
La Révolution Conservatrice russe (fr.)
La Metaphysique du National-Bolchevisme
Crise Balkanique, crise Européenne fr.)
Platforme Euroasienne (fr.)
L'Empire euro-russe fera trembler les Etats-Unis !


Continente Russia (it.)
" Terra Verde " : l'America (it.)
L'inconscio dell'Eurasia (it.)
Radici metafisiche delle ideologie politiche (it.)
Il " Finanziarismo ", stadio supremo del Capitalismo (it.)
L'Impero Sovietico all'epoca della perestrojka (it.)
Il paradigma della Fine (it.)
L'era post-liberale in Russia (it.)
La Rivoluzione Conservatrice russa (it.)
Soltanto " bolscevismo " (it.)
Metafisica del Nazional-Bolscevismo (it.)


La Gran Guerra de los Continentes: Geopolítica y fuerzas ocultas de la historia
La dinámica ideológica en Rusia y los cambios del curso de su política exterior
El ultimo presidente: un ensayo sobre William Jefferson Clinton
¿Volverá a rugir el oso ruso?
El Financiarismo: estadio supremo del capitalismo
Metafísica del Nacional Bolchevismo

por cortesía de
Archivio Eurasia