                                                         A tattoo is a permanent marking in the skin.  The application is done with a tattoo gun,
whi                                                which is an electric insturment that propels needles in and out of your skin.  Dye travels
                                                      along the needles, not inside, and is deposited into the pigment cells, thereby dying them.
                                                      The results upon healing vary depending on several factors.  The receptivity of your skin
                                                      cells to the dye, your skin's own natural pigmentation, the texture of your skin, the
                                                      following of after care directions, even the reason for getting the tattoo can affect the
                                                         You do not bleed much.  The pain involved is dependant upon your own personal
                                                      pain tolerance level, most calling it "uncomfortable" rather than painful.  Some body
                                                      locations hurt more than others, depending on the person.  The use of alcohol prior
                                                      to tattooing tends to increase the pain because you're less able to concentrate on
                                                      something else.
                                                         There are currently about 8 different removal methods, from dermabrasion to lazer
                                                      removal.  Each leaves scarring.  Using another tattoo to "cover-up" an existing tattoo
                                                      is an option available for those who don't want one that they already have.  Tattoos
                                                      can be used to hide, or disguise scars, to even out skin pigmentation or to add perma-
                                                      nent cosmetics.
                                                          Like it or not, we each have to live within society to one degree or another.  Therefore
                                                      your choice of design or location can be life altering.  We will help you make wise choices
                                                      but ultimately the responsibility is yours.  Remember, tattoos are virtually permanent.