Special Attack:
Angelo - Angelo is Rinoa's loyal pet dog.
Angelo has various wide range attacks that can be learned from Pet Pals
Magazines. To learn new techniques, you must read first the new magazine,
then enabling it from Rinoa's status menu and filling the indicated bar
by walking (must have Rinoa in party): once the bar is full, a sound will
ding and the new technique has been learned! Here they are:
Limit - Magazine
Angelo Rush - None
Angelo Cannon - None
Angelo Strike - Pet PalsVol.01
Angelo Recover - Pet PalsVol.02
Invisible Moon - Pet PalsVol.03
Angelo Reverse - Pet Pals Vol. 4
Angelo Search - Pet Pals Vol.05
Star - Pet Pals Vol.06
Angel Wings - Angel Wings will only be acquired in Disk 3, when Rinoa wakes up from the battle of Edea in Disk 2, then the Angelo Limit will be back after Squall rescues her from the Sorceress Memorial. Angel Wings lets Rinoa go berserk and will cast a random spell every turn she gets. Once Angel Wings is enabled, you cannot control Rinoa until she dies or until the end of the battle.
Rinoa is one
of the Timber Owls, whose mission is to let Timber be a free town, and
to stop the Galbadian Soldiers from attacking the Tmber Citizens along
with the other Anti-Galbadia gangs. She will join your party when the
"Timber Needs Help" plot starts, Rinoa will join you when Zone
tells you to wake the "Princess".