A world of things !
My list of things that I like to do seemed to grow more and more every week, from when I was a child, and continued throughout my life, so far that is. I'm the type of person that will attempt to try almost anything at least once. Or try to find out what it is all about before I do it! My present and most current interest is doing websites. Both for my own enjoyment and for others. I like assisting those that need help on their pages or whom wish me to assist them in getting their pages up on the net. Would truely like to make a living at doing websites and pages for individuals, and maybe even try my hand at business ones too. I've made a few dollars in the past month and a half, by creating web pages for some people that I've met on the internet. My computer is my tool in a long learning process. One that I'm having tremendous fun and enjoyment in doing. I've created a long list below of things I like and like to do!
Computers , Meeting people, Website building, Music of all kinds Chatting on the net! Bowling, Long walks, Billards, The ocean, Fishing, Sunsets, Swimming, Nursing the ill, Helping others, Reading, Poetry, Cooking (from scratch), Gardening/plants, Crochet/knitting, Movies(all kinds), Sports(mostly watching), Resumes, PC Games(Challanging). The list cotinues to grow!