Where I Want To
Be In 5 Years !
The simple truth is, I wish to be just like most people in this world. Happy and content with my life. To be able to pay most if not all of my bills the month that they are due. To have resources left over each month that may be used later as I, or whom I'm with,want to for purchases or time to ourselves on vacations. Life is too short and can be very lonely when there is a lack of minimal resources to fall back on when needed. Let me ask you, "Have you ever spent months stranded in an area with very few chances of leaving that area just for a few minutes"?
I want to find someone that has simular interest in how they wish to live and grow. Grow you ask yourself,"What is this person talking about"?
You see each of us grow in several ways each day. Like when you wake up in the morning. You prepare yourself for what the day may have in store for you! You have a general knowledge as to how you are/or going to go about doing things that day. And each day there are challanges that can cause us to be put on the spot to make split second decisions. Or you may have the most perfect and enjoyable day. When this happens no matter which it is. You are growing both in mind and in spirit. You are learning from these daily experiences and I for one call this growing.
The person that I wish to find in the next few years is someone that I can be a partner with in life. To be able to grow together in happy and /or sad times. For that person to love me! For both of us to treat each other with respect and honesty.
There is one other thing that I wish to add to my list. That is in five years I would like to be in or in the process of building, a home for myself and/or with my partner. Below on the following lines you will get a chance to see examples of this special home. The home of my dreams. No it is not a mansion, or a one of a kind creation. It is a Log Cabin Home!!!
Ah ! You say to your self. Now I know why this person has chosen the background that she has on this page. Yeppers!!!! That is the reason for the background.
So take your time and go through what I have been able to find on the web. Mind you that there is loads more that I have either not come across or ones that did not seem to be close to my personal likes! Please enjoy!!!
Mail me with any comments that you may have! *Smile*