Red Rose Path
Welcome to Sigh's
Writing Bench
In a dark room, far away, I hover on the edge...
as a cruel voice taunts me,
and then, blood is drawn; bones are cracked...
as I am shoved viciously into the abyss.
A scream in the darkness, as the lessons have begun;
As Pavlov's theory was put to the test,
A mirthful laugh echos through the air
in answer to my pleas...
As my soul is given in payment for debts that are not mine...
Lessons learned that I am tested on,
by teachers more cruel than Satan.
Trapped by fear,
held by my shame...
there is no where to turn.
The days turn to weeks, then to months, and on to years...
as I learn the lessons taught,
to beg for what hurts me most....
to open my soul to one that I once trusted,
and journey to the abyss...
Bruises fade, but scars remain forever,
Years have flown, and the nightmare faded...
a fragile flower amonst the grasses, I stand.
A risk is taken,
And I trade my soul for warmth, comfort, and security...
A gift of gratitude to one I learn to trust.
New lessons learned...
as old ones remain hidden from public eye.
The edge becomes a peaceful place,
The abyss an oblivion...
Confusion reigns in this world....
As apologies are made for my journey to the edge and beyond.
The journey becomes a weakness,
when wrath incurred...
As I am left to hover on the edge, but not to enter the abyss...
left to crave the oblivion but not hold it close..
Some hurts can be healed...
others scar the soul...
when lessons learned
are remembered....
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