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Here's a crystal rose that is sure to please!

The size is 3 1/2" wide by almost 12" long.� It's carved deeply into 1/4" glass and trimmed with a silver boarder.� I solder small jump rings on the sides at the top to allow it to hang.�

When you solder rings on the top, be sure to attach them to the sides and not directly to the top.� By placing the rings on the sides, you are using the strength of the long side to suspend the glass, not just the strength of the small top piece, which with time and weight, will come loose.

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The rose above is a closer look at the same design.� In this case I added color to the rose to make it stand out a bit. � It's purely a personal choice as to whether you like the color or not.

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My dissatisfaction is mounting with the way the pictures come across on the web.� They really are much more spectacular, but look rather flat here.� Photographing glass is difficult at best, and takes a good amount of time I just don't have.� It's the pits working for living, raising kids, painting bathrooms and trying to squeeze in 5 to 6 hours of sleep a night.� Better photos will just have to wait!

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