Tarot Spreads

~3 cards~

Past, Present, Future

This spread is quick and for a specific question. I sometimes draw more cards as the spread goes on to better answer the question.


This is a shorter version of the yes/no below. It gives a yes if? no if? and maybe if.

~5 card~

Spread of the Elements

This spread is for general knowledge, no need for a question. This spread covers the emotional, sensual, mental and spiritual.

Action Spread

Relates to a specific question and gives a direct solution.

~9 card~

Past Lives

This spread is for those who believe in reincarnation. Try it for fun if you'd like, I'm just learning how to do them.

Four seasons spread

Examines motivations and ambitions. Encompasses conception, progression, resolution and reflection.

Arianrhod Spread

Gives the cycle of one year.

~10 card~


This is a spread for yes/no questions. This spread covers influences, feelings and thoughts.

~11 card~

The Celtic Cross

Lengthy readings for general or specific questions. Goes into causes, influences, your personality and the final outcome.

Cup of Relationships

Deals with feelings, expectations, obstacles and outcome of a specific relationship.

~Joe Cards~

Any card drawn after the fact to add to or modify a reading. They've always existed as modifiers but there's a funny personal story behind the name, which relates to my old radio show Radiophonic Oddity.


Additional Info:

I use two decks
The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner, accompanying book by Monte Farber.
and The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr

If you are interested in learning the tarot yourself a great place to start is a book store or occult shop. Buy a deck that feels good physically and visually. Check out some online resources (there aren't many, but it doesn't hurt). Tarot-L is a good mailing list that discusses different aspects of tarot (http://www.lightspeed.bc.ca/hilander/tarotl.html). There are also books at the library. And don't be afraid to ask me for help!

Some other useful sites:

Tarot FAQ

Learning the Tarot

Aeclectic tarot - tarot cards from 180+ decks

The Hermitage: Tarot History

My personal contacts-

You can e-mail me for more info at:
C at PSU mail