2161 Abbey Road

Winter Haven, Florida 33880



Environmental Consultant



1991-95 Northland College, Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Studies, special interest in Sustainable Development, GPA 3.3 (4.0 basis)


Sample of Relevant Courses:



City of Winter Haven (Lab Technician) - Winter Haven, Florida (1/97 to present)

assist Laboratory Supervisor; collect, document and perform analysis of water and wastewater samples; maintain database records for inclusion in reports


Centro de Estudios Sobre Desarrollo Sostentible (Internship) - Atenas, Costa Rica (Spring 1995)

worked as part of a team on an agricultural research project using the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)


Wisconsin Environmental Education Board Grant-writing Project - Northland College

worked closely as a team as well as individually to research, create and develop an idea for a grant supported environmental education project for the college; included drafting a complete grant proposal and budget


Northland College Environmental Audit - Northland College

researched, defined and began to develop a way to evaluate the level and progress of environmental education (ecological literacy) of the Northland College community




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