No, really, this time for sure, right?
There seems to be no end to all the ARROGANCE in our time.
(My saying this is no less arrogant, isn't it?)
But there must be a way to overcome this problem.
Capsicum-based (Pepper-)Spray won't do it.
Guns or knives merely reinforce it.
Shutting one's eyes won't make the problem go away..

There must be something...

Arrogance facing arrogance is no answer.
"A soft word turneth away wrath" might do it.
There's something to be said about humor and a sincere smile.
They might even save your life, should you be faced with
a situation that demands it.
I don't know. I have to think about this some more. You too.

See, the reason I go on and on about ARROGANCE is because of my years-long
disdain and, let's face it, FEAR of bullies and being bullied.

Since the time I was around six, there were always those playground heavies
who were constantly pushing us littler kids around,
stealing our lunch or milk money
and just acting like little Nazis.

When those people grew up, they never forsook their upbringing
as bullies and so today we have what is known as "ROAD RAGE"
which stands for nothing more than some stupid little punk
trying to get his way again and again,
spoiled brat that he (sometimes SHE) is.

You've seen them on our highways and freeways, I'm sure
particularly the ones driving those big,
heavy pickup trucks or the sport utility vehicles or Hummvees.

Just itching for another chance to push someone else around.


Rap, Rap, Rap Around the Clock (the CLUCK?)
And so, my dears, suffice it to show that whatever might be the circumstances, barring any unforeseen events, no matter what those might be, insofar as can be seen through those fancy rose-colored (coloured?) whatchamaycallits...

If nothing else, you'll look much prettier with them on,
should that be your desire. Otherwise, there'll be no more
of this sort of prettifying going on, all right?

What, Pray Tell Is the Connection? Is There Any?
Why is it, please explain to me,
that whenever one encounters the human being in repose, there seems to be an angelic
appearance to even the most horribly malformed monster of a man,
the more repulsive the greater the effect?
When human beings are awake and about, one notices so much friction and
confrontation as though the entire species was made
merely to annihilate one another as well as
the other animals that inhabit this earth.
Even conversation has been compared to
an act of aggression, as though
replying back and forth is nothing more than battles between antagonists.
Is this so?

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