Welcome...Enter freely and of your own will.
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is unimportant, but you may call me Blisstree. I have founded this island of shadow in the hopes of finding my siblings, other souls who are touched by darkness and Lady Night. Feel free to browse around, as there will be much to see and experience.
Please won't you be seated. I must apologize for the condition of the "facilities", but you see, I've only just moved in and the new furniture has yet to arrive. I don't receive much company, so it is very pleasant to have you here.
My interests:- Surrealism and the Pre-Raphaelites
- Romantic and Gothic Literature
- The Underground Counterculture
- Gothic/Industrial/Darkwave Musique
- Magick and the Occult
- Philosophy
- Experiencing Alternate States of Conciousness
- Meeting New People
- Web Publishing/Design
- Playing and Writing original Musique
- Sexual Experimentation

The Official Web-Site
All Things Dark and Wonderful
A Gothic/Vampyre Club I founded.

My other residence.
Thanks, you are the
person to visit me.
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