The Carrport Main Page
- Birmingham, U.K. - Derek Carr's homepage
- London, England - The Children of Gaea is a small organisation. Our aim is to provide a service of help and support not only to our brothers and sisters in the craft, but to anyone who holds out their hand to us.
- London, England - A contemporary Mystery School devoted to the Mysteries of Classical Western Paganism.
- Norwich, England - Herbal Remedies and Folk Medicine, Folklore and Folk Tales, Simples, Tisanes & Herbs, How to make Candles, Soap, etc.
- Leeds, England Paganism, Pregnancy & Parenting, Poetry, and Art
EMAIL LISTS FOR THE UK Email lists that I have found for this state in regards to paganism and the occult.
Paganpolicy - For people over 17
- A moderated list to discuss issues in Paganism in the UK which is outside of the control of any one organisation or body. This purpose of this list is to carry traffic away from some of the other Pagan mailing lists in the UK which quickly get clogged up with debates over policies held by various organisations. Often the debate is irrelevant to the majority of the mailing list subscribers and soon irritates them. This list is NOT designed for direct attacks on any one organisation but is there to give the general Pagan public the chance to air their viewpoints.
- The *only* list for Witches in Somerset UK, and the surrounding area. Topics for discussion include Magick, Occultism, Satanism, Witchcraft, Vampires, the Supernatural & anything else u want to talk about!
- Blessed Be !! After many years following the craft of the wise alone, worshipping the rites in private. I have recently joined a small circle and this is such an eye opener allow me to Worship in company and develop my art and powers. There must be others like me, who would like Discuss their Way of worship and pagan topics. And also allow the introduction of fellow followers in to groups all around the UK, Bringing together the faith of the OLD gods using this and most MODERN of communication devices. We have been living in secret too long, my fellow friends, let us come in to the LIGHT together and worship the old ways with like minded people. All views about the ways of LIGHT will be accepted but I am sure you agree with me that Followers of Black Magic will not be allowed on this list as their way is a way of evil, harming not only other people but OUR WAY as well. Giving us the bad rep we live with to this day.
- This list is designed for those people interested and practising Wicca. It is mostly designed for Wiccans living in the United Kingdom but is open to all.
Page Updated June 20th, 1999