Get Payed to be Online...

  Hi there, it's Melissa aka Kethera, those who know me know that I'm a mom, I go to College, and any dime I can save will go a LOOOOONG way. I'm sure it's similar for most folks.
That's why I am so thrilled to have found some places that will PAY ME (and you too) to surf the web, and still others that will pay me when I'm online by placing small rotating ads on my screen. Sure, it's not huge cash, but it CAN help buy a few groceries now and then, and to pay the internet bill.

Are you interested? If so, please consider checking out one or more of the following links to the different "Pay to surf" or "Pay to be online" companies out there.
If you sign up under me (all you have to do is just follow the links and if you think it's worth a try, just sign up), it'll help me out a bit too.
Blessings to you,

My username: kethera
This doesn't pay quite as much as alladvantage but you get up to 75 hours, if you can be online that long. And you do not have to be surfing to add up the minutes.

Has it's own browser you can use, or you can minimize it, just have the banner up, and use whatever browser you want. Pays you for being online, you could do email and other things, don't have to be web surfing, per se. They now, also, hve a smaller "gotoworld portal" that I like using.

UtopiAd doesn't limit how many hours you can acculate. You also get a percentage of earnings (info. is posted at site). I like that you can use it while being online, you don't have to be surfing, per se.

Supposedly they will pay a substantial fee for you to view their ads. The ads will be geared to your interests and will occur sporatically throughout the month, that is what I gather. Sounds promising.

If you have any questions about it, like how I enjoy them or whatever, feel free to email me.

Page updated February 2nd, 2001