Hello again. Imagine meeting you here.

Ellioth smiles a teasing smile that you can't help returning.

I know you weren't expecting me to be here but I thought it best if I met you here instead of making you wait for me.

This is my room, small and comfortably warm. I have a music player in the wall just as everyone else does. You may listen to it if you'd like. I've had Laura change it recently.

He gives a charming smile. You take the time to look around and notice a blanket that is almost neatly folded by his front feet and he holds it up for you to get a closer look.

The blanket itself is dark blue, almost the same color as some of the castle you visited. Around the edges is a beautiful embroidered pattern in sapphire blues and brilliant greens. In the middle is a large harp-like instrument also embroidered in blues and greens. Touching it you find it is very soft and it feels as if it would be very warm.

Beth and the others made that for me the last time I wasn't moving well. Keeping warm has become their top most priority when it comes to me. Outside I try to stay in the sun to keep them off of my case.

Hanging on the walls you notice what look like riding straps with the same stitching along the sides of the dark brown leather.

Also a gift from Beth and the others. They are very good at making things, you'll find their crafts throughout the castle and our caves.

He refolds the blanket with a little help from you and then gives a small bow in thanks.

Well the time has come to give you back to the others. Do come back and visit me.

He smiles and you say goodbye and let him rest. On the way out you notice a small picture by the door: a structure by a cove of some kind.

Go to the room next to this one.