As you walk up the castle stairs, you quickly notice just how tall this tower is. The stone stairs spiral upward for what seems like eternity. You think you can see a platform farther up the tower, possibly the second level, but you can't be sure from this far down. So you continue upward.

You reach what is indeed the second level and pause to look around. You feel a breeze and notice that the door is open and letting in the air. An instant later you notice it's letting in the air because there isn't a door built into the doorway at all. The breeze turns your attention upward where high above you can see light coming in through windows and objects that seem to float in the air.

You look at the door once more, thinking that you can always come back here... That air feel so good...

This clearly isn't taking you to anyone's rooms so you take another breath of the fresh air and climb still higher. The higher you go the more you notice that the objects aren't floating but hung by thin threads. The origami dog heads drift peacefully in the light breeze and are amazingly bright considering they are in the light from the window. You watch for a moment wile dogs of pink, purples, reds, greens, brown, blue and yellow dance around each other. You feel you can almost hear the happy yips of contentment watching them.

It turns out you really are hearing some kind of happy yipping. Following the noise you climb higher. Soon you find two dogs on the stairs and have to catch yourself to keep from stepping on them. One brownish white, the other a gray color, they look up at you the way dogs do. The brownish dog seems older and has a tag that reads "Einstein" on one side. The other dog has a brown collar with the name "Smudge" written on it.

Pondering the meaning of the mobile, you climb higher, watching the forms slowly pass around each other in a graceful dance through the air. In several places you find yourself level with the windows and again feel the gentle breeze and hear the faint sound of running water.

Soon you reach an entranceway with beautifully carved door frame. This too has no door and leads into a small version of the greeting hall downstairs, complete with a few pieces of furniture. This room pulls your attention as being some sort of lounge.

Looking at the carving on the door frame you walk into someone who was leaning against one side of the wall, waiting for you so that he could get by. With his arms folded across his bare chest casually, he smiles at you.

Fancy meeting you here. Sorry about the bump. I was in a little rush to get back down to Pup, our computer.

The man waves a brown computer disk in the air.

The writer's put more space in our "little" castle and I'm going to fill it up with all of my "useless" pictures. I don't see pictures of a distant love useless, you understand, but there are some here who do. I get teased about it often. Especially because this was the woman everyone expected me to "calm down over."

The man chuckles, smiles at you and then suddenly gets an idea. He moves to the window in the entrance room so that you can enter. As you follow, he leans out and shouts down.

Hey, Til! Keep Gammans away from Pup for a while, will ya?!
When he turns back to you he smiles as he notices you staring at some ghostly letters floating around near the ceiling.


Don't worry about that, it's harmless.

The man charms his way into your attention again and stops leaning against the ledge of the window to guide you through the room.

The whole idea of this place comes from an old game called Castle. These words were printed on the walls of the Entrance Hall in that game. To this day none of us knows what it means. We modernized the idea while adding a bit of a PBS show to them... Ever hear of Ghost Writer?

The man smiles, gives a little wink and indicates you should follow him.

First door on the left, my room. You're welcome to come in and enjoy my disorganization skills and my company. With Til guarding the computer for his rider's best friend, I can be here all day and still get the pictures I'm waiting for... 'Course you can always choose to avoid my mess all together.