Stupidity and Smarts...

I don’t know much about rhyme and verse.
How my time in school was a curse!
Didn’t know at all what to do with love
‘Till your lighting struck me from above.
In a world where I have learned and grown,
I chose you for a class of my own.

I don’t know much about the way to act.
When love found hurt it went right for the back.
Didn’t know a damn thing about love
‘Till your lightning-bolt struck from above.
In a world where you can have it all,
You chose me and taught me to fall.

Don’t know much about what comes next,
About holding hands, and all of the rest.
Didn’t think I’d come down to that.
Thought all our time would be spent in the sack.
Right now I know all I need to know:
Lets be together and soon we’ll grow

We didn’t know much about the way it’d be.
I needed you and you needed me.
Didn’t think it’d come down to this.
You keep me shaking with every kiss.
In a world where you can easily fall,
I turn to you and know I have it all.
