
Excora, a world created by: Mark van Torenburg, Alexander van den Akker and Marco van Geelen. Oh, did i forget to mention that it is still under construction.

The beginning:

From the one moment to the next it was. A single point surrounded by void excisted. Within it unmesurable energy’s were within this one point and colided with eachother for a span of time beyond our imagination. As it builded up in force it finaly broke lose from its convindment and filled the void that surrounded it.

And so it expanded for untold time and as sudden as the point was, there was tought. When there was tought there was a new purpus and with that it started to create matter by massing energy and the stars where born.

This also went on and its awareness grew by the day. So great became its understanding of things that nothing was unknown to him. But he was alone, no other to share the wonder that was simple put. At first he became more then one and that was enough, the sharing with his selve made him feel less alone and parts of him went in different directions.

One day a part of his consiouns had enough of his other selves and seeked new things to explore and created worlds around the stars. All where fasinated by these balls that went in circles around the stars. And it kept them entertained for many millenia, maybe even longer than that. But eventualy this also was not enough and the same entity that created the worlds created live!

As much as i like to claim it was not our world that would be the first to be created, but it's suretanly not the last to be gifted with live. Many of the entities followed its example laid by their brother (they long since stopped seeing them selves as one, but as many) and live was teming in the univers.

But some where more sucsesfull then others and many created live on same planets as others had did and competition entered their game. Simple liveforms where helped to give them better chances and eventualy even given a sence of being. Thus where we created and gifted by the many who had seeded our world. We called our makers gods and we worshiped them, and still do to this day. Great deeds have been done, but also untold evil.

This is the world we live in, the world we die in. This is Excora.

As it was writen by

Marloc Silivan Arch wizzard of te’nul

The Gods


As i passed with the thought of my brother i knew nothing more then him, since time has passed i started to love the one that gave me life. As my knowledge and wisdom grew i became me: Aranafat. I am better then my brother, but he resents the thought. This thought was made alive for me, so after a longer time we started a contest. We started it on Excora. He created a race and i created its rulers. Soon after others joined to see our little play and started to join, creating other races and beings, wakaning some that had laid dorment as they where created in the subcunsiousnes of my brother. Many came passing by to see my creation: THE MAGE.


I am Aranafat. God of magic. I gave the creatures a small touch of my powers to see if their mortal souls can handle it. Magic creates, magic conquers, magic destroys, magic kills. My kin has razed havoc in the ranks of my brothers, joined others, remarkeble to see that the creatures created can learn others. In the quest for power i forced an alliance with one of my sisters, but she betrayed me, and now we are also at war. Followers killing eachother for the magical items made by this alliance. Items that channel the powers laid in each creatures presented with my gift. Their are only few, but oh, they are to be feared. Although some have grown weak and turned to another brother that wants to end this contest and saying we have to become one again. That will not happen. In the end their will only be ME.

I appear to my followers as a claoked male/female depending on race and sex. In my right hand i have a staff with on its top an bol in the image of the world, including moving clouds and thunderstorms, etc. On my right hand i wear a ring made out of the essence of their sun and around my neck i have a necklace with a small moon. If i visit a creature to present it with my gift the sun and moon will be their mark. They are the commanding force of this world, during day and night.