My Biography

This is a little about myself.  A truly boring story.


Me - Lori A. Hughes


 Let me introduce myself.  My name is Lori A. Hughes.  I was born in London, Ontario and am the eldest of five children.

My parents seperated when I was 3 years of age and my father, at the age of 24, got custody of me and my sister Patricia.  He then met and married my step-mother, Linda, and along came my brother James and sister Kimberly.

I grew up in a very loving and strict environment with good morals and values.  There were also the occasional squabbles between me and my siblings.

At the age of 11, I became very ill.  It was diagnosed, after 2 weeks in hospital and quick deteriorating health, that I had Rhabdomyosarcoma, cancer of the spine.  Thanks to the quick diagnosis and treatment received at the Isaac Walton Killam Hospital, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, I am here today.  I was told, when I got older, that I am a very lucky person to be alive today.  As a result of my illness, I had to learn to walk all over again.  I do this with the aid of bi-lateral leg splints.  They are made of plastic with a velcro strap that goes around the splint and my lower calf.  Being sick at that age with such a serious illness has made me realize that life is very short and we must live each moment to the fullest.

I graduated from Cobequid Educational Center, in Truro, Nova Scotia in June of 1986, with a Clerical/Stenography certificate.  Upon graduation, started helping my father out at his place of business, on an occasional basis.

At the age of 30, I finally got my lisence.  People ask me why I waited so long to get them.  My reply, "I didn't think I needed them."  Boy was I wrong.  Having my lisence has given me a sence of freedom that I never knew.  I don't know how I ever got around without them.  You can't keep me of the roads now!

These days I can be found at home on the computer.  Since I have discovered the wonderful world of cyberspace, I have become a real computer addict.  Technology is fantastic.

There you have it, my boring existance, summed up in a few short paragraphs.

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