
You are a man so lost and confused.
Because as a child you were so abused.

You travel through life aimlessly with no particular place to go.
But, there is just one thing I want you to know.

Whether you choose to believe this or not,
You do have someone who cares a lot.

You have lost so much in your young life.
I wish that I could ease your strife.

But in order to heal you have to take that first step.
And then you have to learn to accept.

For the pain you feel is my pain too,
But, you will have my love to carry you through.

I have loved you through thick and thin.
No matter what kind of shape you were in.

You have come and gone over the years,
And I have shed so many a tear.

My life without you has been so lonely.
For you my love, are my one and only.

Today I wait, and forever too.
For my dear, I will always love you.

Lori A. Hughes ©

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