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Here I am! Resting after a hard day's work...I thought everyone worked in their pajamas :-) This was NOT taken in son Shannon took this in Florida...he even insisted I comb my hair...geesh! that's pushing his worries. In India and Kashmir I can wear a veil all day.
Son will never know if I combed my hair or not. :-)
I have worked under the most difficult conditions to create these web pages so I apologize for their amaturish and sometimes confusing appearance. But they represent a labour of great love and sacrifice for me.. These were created as I lived in Fiji~ where they cut off service every hour, then make you wait hours to get back on again. Even a simple correction could take all day to complete. The computer is an ancient Pentium 100 with a mere 1 gig HD, but with lots of guts! It takes ten minutes to load one simple command, but eventually, it does the job for me! Finally, my printer died ~I think it was even older than the Pentium! So all editing has to be done at the web site with no chance for previews..that's why what you read today may be changed by tomorrow! Anyway, why buy another printer now when I know I'll be weeks in the Kashmir hills with nothing but the clothes on my back?.it's been a long slow crawl to get this far. I thank you for hanging in there with me. When this research is over, it'll be worth it. Love to you all, Sue