A Texas Song
page 5

As Dawn approaches,,,,,,,the Texas beauty hears a new song echoing from the Oklahoma prairie.

The Texas sky is ablaze with sunshine, and the song she hears echoing from the Oklahoma prairie sets her dreams ablaze too......
does she dare hope??
against all her heart,,,,
against the yearning
beginning to build in her sould,
she must flee now
flee from the song,,,,,,,,,
others approach her.............
she doesn't want to share this song........
heart breaking,,,,,,,,she fears she'll never hear it again.

She fears he would not be sincere,,,,,that he would be here for a moment and only abandon her.......She doesn't realize his committment.....She doesn't realize his sincerity.....She doesn't realize his song is not hollow or vain.......Another mountain to climb....another obstacle to over come,,,,,,,,,,,,Can he get over these????

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A Texas Song
written by
Stacia and Nighthawk.

This Page Created by
SpiderWeb Productions



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