Completed Color Pictures

Rai for Neon Genesis EvangelionRai is my favorite EVA character. I liked her the most even before I saw the show. Now that I've seen the show, I think she is just creepy. So here is a picture of her that doesn't look creepy.

The July Character ExchangeThis is for a monthley character exchange. Your name goes into a hat with a bunch of other people's and then your name is picked out with another persons.Then your draw one of each others characters from their web site. Its pretty cool, but not as great as it sounds.

The June Mag EntryThis'ee here is my entry for the June M.A.G. contest. I spent about a month coloring it in my spare time, and kind of lost focus of what I was doing. I ended up using the pic to just experiment around in photoshop a bit. So I present to you this impecable mess.

abby_anna_hussyThis is a piece from my portfolio, what you see is the rough "structure" then, when you click on the image, you will see the cleaned up version. This is what would be given to the cell painter to paint in an animated picture. He/She would scan it into a computer and digitally paint it with a paint program such as..? I don't know, but if I get into the animation school I'm trying for I will be able to tell you.

bakery_department_comicHere is a comic I have been working on for some time. ****Just click on the page, and it will turn to the next page for you.*** It is very poorley written, but its the pictures that count. It is only the first part of three, which I'll post as I finish them. I learned a lot from creating this comic so hopefully the next part won't take as long, and will be better for it. I also plan on rewritting the next part as the humor needs to be muchly rehashed in order to make it actually humorous.

Its based on the adventures I have at work with the rest of the crew in the Bakery Department. (this is my actual job folks! I really work in a Bakery. Its a joke, but its no joke.)

The new video game?This is my January 2000 entry for the Gargoyle contest. The topic was "Influence and inspiration" and I choose Norman Rockwell as my artist.

Fucked-up-monster-thing!?I came across a really cool picture of this monster that someone had drawn. I liked it so much that I drew my own interpretation of it. The person with the monster is the original creator. Check out her web site------> Sara the Devil Girl.

Bad Lara Croft!After Playing Tomb Raider 3 I realized what a bad ass Lara Croft really is. She not only kills several innocent men, who very likely have wives, and children, not to mention brothers, sisters, and parents. These men were only trying to do there jobs (particul"ar"ley those at the nebraska desert base!) and along comes super, gun toteing, woman and just eradicates any living being she comes in contact with.

Anyway, this picture depicts her remorse after all the adrenelen wears off, and she has realized what she has done.

 November Cammy Contest This is my entry for the November Gargoyle contest. The topic was ancient gods. I choose Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec god of gods, he is the creater-sky god, and wise legislator, But I don't need to tell you this stuff right?!, You can tell all of it just by looking at the picture.
"(follow this link to go to the contest)".

 November Cammy ContestThis is the picture I did for this months Cammy contest (November). Its a scene taken from a short fan fiction that is posted on the page. Go check it out if you want....."Cammy Web Page Link".

 A Pic For LolaO.K.....So Lola was the 200th person to hit my web site, which she kindly informed me of, so I agreed to make a picture for her.She asked for a picture with snow in it, and as I was surfing her site I came upon a pic she has with snow in it too, and drew insperation from it. Now, the image I have here is only part of the completed picture the completed pic is @ "Lola's web site". somewhere. It turned out really well too, so you HAVE to go see it!!

Tea Pot GuyThis a picture I did for the November"Monthley Anime Gaijin".Its this contest where you draw the character of smiley joe average, and if you win, then your character that YOU design is the one everyone else has to draw for the next month. Cool, huh?, This way we are always drawing new characters, and they are always some original idea.

naughty Tifa-Ahem- Well This one is for the Hentai monthly contest. Which means that there is nudity in the picture. You have been warned. But lets face the facts....Now that you know there is nudity I bet you just want to look at it even more right? Of course you do. Is it because in our society nudity is taboo? is there some reason for censoring our children from nudity? No, Buuuuuut, we should censor our children (and any one who isn't mature) from mysoginistic content. I don't think this picture IS mysoginistic, I wouldn't consciencley produce a mysoginistic themed picture. However I am sure everybody's opinion differs on this subject so I leave it up to you. (wonders off somewhere mumbling about graveyard shifts)

video game girl from 'King of Fighters 95'?This is my first entry into that monthly video game character contest. I don't remember her name, but I do know that she was in a Neo Geo fighting game. When I first saw her in the game I thought she was a he, so I did my best to emphasize her female attributes.

Flower_girlI kind of like this one. I did it in the same style as the chracters in 'Darkstalkers' (A Sony Playstation game for those who weren't in the know. Oh yeah and I almost forgot,heh, heh, my mom helped me color the flowers :P

blah Anyone?Did I enjoy drawing this picture? No. Did I have to draw this picture? No. Does this picture mean anything to me? No.Do I particularly like this picture? No. Why does it exist? Practice, practice, practice. I call this little jewel "Blah" Named after the way I feel after coloring it *8-@

farm Girl Thissy here is a scene from a book I read called 'The Mirror' In this scene a girl who has been taken from the past (1890 I think) to the present, is hiding from people who want to put her into an insane asylem. She Stays with this old man on a farm and looks after him and he provides her with shelter. In the book the she is actually feeding a goat, but I like horses more :-)

cammy_thumbHere is a picture I did for Septembers Cammy Contest.

Gargoyle1ThumbThis was the first Gargoyle I did for the "Monthly Gargoyle Contest" I am expecting this months Gargoyle to turn out better(I hope).

Gargoyle_2_Thumb Here is my Gargoyle Entry for the September contest. As you can see the Painting is becoming a little more developed. I can't wait to see how my next paint job turns out.

Experimental_Thumb Well, This is how my next painting turned out. If you are thinking what I am thinking then your thinking "All right, enough gargoyles already, lets see something else!!!!!" No more Gargs until next months contest!!!
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