Classification of Living Things Tool : Aenima

Bird fish cat dog iguana. Haaaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. So how does this fit together into biology? There is a section of biology called taxonomy. These geeks work on naming living things. They use Binomial nomenclature to say cat fish dog iguana. So cat fish dog iguana isn't specific enough for them. They have to go to Bald Eagle, mackeral, bush dog, the common wild cat, and green iguana. This, however, still isn't good enough. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. What more could there be? How about Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Scombes scombrus, Speothos venaticus, Felis silvestris, and Iguana iguana. Yes sirreee. Now we have some names going on here. What does it mean? Well, the first word, lets take Iguana iguana (doh!!! well, lets take Felis silvestris), felis is the genus. Silvestris is the specific species. Have fun. 8)

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And now to the good stuff.

Like I said, your book is probably the best guide here. I haven't found a comprehensive web page yet but I'm still looking.

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