The Courtyard

As you enter the gates of the kingdom, you find yourself in the Courtyard. Many places of interest lie before you in all directions. Although the sky is as black and as stary as night, the ground and buildings are lit as if by sunlight. The huge Meteor looms high to the north of the castle like a red moon. Eight Reactors line the outer walls of the kingdom.

Dreydan leans against a tree and thinks to himself.

Young_Knight is sitting on the side of the fountain cleaning his sword.

Ultimate_Weapon and Ruby_Weapon are seen occasionally as they circle the twenty mile wide parimeter of the kingdom

As you can see I'm working on the page still
Reactor #7Reactor #8
Reactor #7
Reactor #8
Reactor #7 Observatory Farm Airship Landing Platform Reactor #8
Reactor #5
Restricted Area
Reactor Main Station
Reactor #6
Reactor #3 CHAOS Training Grounds CHAOS HQ Reactor #4
Reactor #1 "Dreadnaught" Inn Stables Arena Reactor #2
Gates Right Right Right

To the north lies the Palace. Its walls decorated with anchient designs. A statue of Jenova hangs over the two doored entrance. From the outside one can see many windows to the rooms inside.

In the western end of the Courtyard, a huge theatre lies. Faint sounds of an opera can be heard from outside.

Beyond the Theatre, near the western wall, a hightech Lab is stationed below Reactor No.5.

To the northeast lies an old wooden Tavern. A dimly lit atmosphere can be seen beyond its swinging doors.

A beautiful Chapel lies in the east end of the Courtyard. It looks very peaceful from the outside as well as interior.

A huge Arena looms just beyond the gates. Its anchient walls tell of the many battles once fought there.