Dollhouse The dh was partially made when I got it, it had the siding, windows, and basic roof,also awnings, or whatever you want to call the things above the windwos. I put the roof shingles on, painted the whole things , put the porch railings, brackets and trim on and painted them. So, it isn't all mine, but I did a lot of the decorator extras. Hope it isn't too confusing.

Tower 243,742 bytes

Tower- the tower itself was made by entrant from misc. cabinet pieces and things that were found and used to create the house. All of the accessories were hand done. The baby furniture was done from a kit. Most everything in it hand crafted. Kitchen cabinets were made from cardboard.

Dollhouse 350,016 bytes

auchse-was a house purchased at an auction. It was put together, but had no roof. Person fixed roof and made changes to plan and decorated.

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