Kitchen I'm responsible for everything that you see except the clay pot in the plant hanger, the teapot and utensils, the spice rack and the little glass jars on the shelves. The furniture is from a very inexpensive kit from Greenleaf. I added bargello seats and backs to the chairs, fimo burners and logo with snaps for controls on the stove and a handcrafted faucet to the sink. The rug is made of braided embroidery thread, glued to felt. My wicker basket sits next to a Chrysenbon chair, made from a kit. The hardwood floors are the base plywood, scored with an icepick, stained and coated with several layers of polyurethane that were buffed with superfine steelwool between applications of varnish. The wallpaper is from sample books that a friend, who is a decorator, gave to me.....I forgot to mention the blue fimo bowl full of fimo fruit! Made that, too.

Living Room This is all handcrafted by yours truly except for the tiny votive candle on the mantel. The furniture is from the same kit (came with furniture for four rooms) and ,of course, was upholstered by me. The rug is needlepoint on 18 plastic canvas, done with persian wool. The vase on the table was made on my Walmart potters wheel. The small bird pictures were clipped from a catalogue, glued to jewelry findings and sprayed with clear acrylic. The large picture over the fireplace was also clipped from a catalogue, matted and framed. The book on the table was made using the technique that I posted to the list. I made the fireplace screen from wrapping paper and a large filigreed bellcap.

Southwestern Room Southwest room box. The desciption is simple. It's a family room corner with the fireplace and a sueded chair and ottoman. There are all the typical sw things. Plus drinks and chips, hanging peppers, masks, cactus, a skin that is a map, dream catchers, horseshoes are on the outside of the room, It's just filled with tons of different things that I've bought. The only thing I did was arrange where everything went.

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