Image of frustration, stress, hope, love, and above all, despair
. . . freedom of the mind -- envious and overzealous to some;
known -- mocked -- shunned to none.
(The Land of the Living:)
Aberration of, stated bliss, a la-la land to all -- come on,
trip again. Deviation from reality. Peace from within -- the
land of the living . . .
(The Other Side:)
Entrance into an unknown after-life, reincarnated from the end
of reason, and the beginning to a whole new apparent level.
(The Origin:)
Present state of oppression linked to submission from foreign
brinks of justifiable insanity . . . It all coincides with our
subconscious way of approved thinking; but never considered an
era in which the sane seem more superior than the insane . . .
how high can we really be?
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