When you live in darkness
Can you still feel?
When you live in pain
Can you still heal?
When you walk towards the light
Can you still see?
When God confronts you
Will you stay or flee?
When night visits you
Will you walk towards daylight
When you the Reaper comes to you
Will you live to fight?
When you are praised
Will you remain humble?
When your nose is raised
Will you not stumble?
When night seduces you
Will you succumb to its talons?
How long will you stay in hell
A second or eons?
Copyright 1997 by Bardic Curse
Now I think this poem has some deep feeling. I question myself often about many things like the existence of God, the essence of life... the meaning, the reason for living. I'm not an atheist, just weird. These questions help me discover myself and make myself a better person. I don't think we should be ashamed of ourselves when we ask ourselves those questions in the poem. We are human beings created to think and not just follow like mindless automatons. Perhaps when scientists discover the meaning of life then we shall all be at rest.