Subject: (3 of 3) One Lord, one faith, one voice?. Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 11:34:40 From: (First Search Mail) To: ------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE DO NOT REPLY OR SEND MESSAGES TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS. ------------------------------------------------------------ or Right issues, that our christian commitment compels us to act upon. What are some nonnegotiables that the Christian community should be unified around? Colson: The issue of life is absolutely central. The issue of righteousness in public life is also a Christian issue--the kind of thing that motivated Wilberforce when he conducted the campaign against the slave trade--calling for righteous living and a reformation of manners among people and their political issues. The sanctity of marriage and the defense of the family is another. If the steamroller coming through the courts legalizes gay marriages and society says this is normative, it is undermining God's first institution. And also, the whole question of compassion and concern for the poor and the oppressed is always a fundamental Christian issue. The government has a role in this, but in the past it has snuffed out the role of the church. Do you others agree with Chuck's nonnegotiables? Reed: Absolutely. Campolo: In answer to the question, Could we all worship in the same church, in the course of this afternoon I am convinced that we do all worship in the same church. And that is the good news that we have to communicate to people from one end of this country to the other. Added material. TONY CAMPOLO. RALPH REED. CHUCK COLSON. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for using FirstSearch. This e-mail account is only for distribution of FirstSearch documents. Please contact your librarian with comments or concerns. ------------------------------------------------------------