There are so many people out there that owe money to one company or another and then they call to make excuses as to why they can't pay their bills.
EXCUSE 1: I couldn't make my payment because I didn't get my statement.
REPLY: SO, you know you borrowed the money, whether you get a statement or not you are still responsible for making your payment.
EXCUSE 2: I moved and my statement wasn't forwarded to me.
REPLY: Why didn't you pay your bills before you moved, were you trying to skip out without paying.
EXCUSE 3: Why didn't you get my payment, I mailed it in plenty of time.
REPLY: LIAR, you know you never sent a payment.
EXCUSE 4: Well I sent my payment, but it was returned to me because I forgot to put the postage on the envelope.
REPLY: Are you stupid or what?
EXCUSE 5: I sent my payment, but I sent it to the wrong place, didn't they forward it to you?
REPLY: No, you dumbass, they cashed it.
EXCUSE 6: I was sick in bed and I couldn't get to the post office to mail my payment.
REPLY: Was your phone sick too?
The following are excuses submitted to this page:
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
() on Thursday, February 11, 1999 at 01:39:02
EXCUSE 7: I was on vacation.
REPLY: Well, I hope you had fun it just cost you an additional $29.00.dont
whine to me about the fact that you were in Barbados when your
statement came due.
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