Christy's Poetic Collage


The Otter
Swimming lazily
Through the water
Splish and splash
Goes the otter

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All through the day
He splashes around
Until chomps the gator
Chomps him down

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flickerstar.gif (6376 bytes)Guiding Starflickerstar.gif (6376 bytes)

Heavens stars that shine at night
Watching or us ever bright
Guide me through the roughest seas
And sprinkle wishes all around me
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The Tear Drop
Grief and sorrow fill my eyes
Tears spilling like rain from the skies
A healing emotion soothing the soul
After the hurt takes it's toll

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Special Friend
Through the years
There's always been
That one person
My special friend
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You picked me up
When I fell down
Kissed my owies
Without a frown
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Now I think of you
And still to this day
you show me so much love
In your special way
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You are my brother
My one true friend
And I wish to let you know
You're stuck with me to the end

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All of the above poetry was written
by Christy umm..HibbleHopper?
(I love you sweety)
The work on this site is protected by the international copyright laws..
to copy or reproduce any or all of this work you must have the expressed written permission of
Christy HibbleHopper ([email protected])