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hush my little one...snuggle down in grandma's arms...hushhh my

little one and I will rock you to sleep...

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You are my shining star....the reason we have traveled so far

You are an angel so sweet....a gift from God to make our lives complete.

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Hush my little one...snuggle down in grandma's arms...hushhh my

little one and I will rock you to sleep.

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Someday soon we will see...all that you are intended to be..

The years fly past like leaves blown from a tree for now

just be with me.

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Hush my little one...snuggle down in grandma's arms...hushhh my

little one and I will rock you to sleep...

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Little one just wait and see ...someday you will be here like me...your arms

wrapped in love around a precious gift from above you sing ever so quietly.

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Hush my little one...snuggle down in grandma's arms.. hushhh my

little one and I will rock you to sleep ...yes I will rock you to sleep.


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written by Angelwings

( this lullabye was written for and dedicated to my sister Beth the youngest most beautiful grandma I know)


copyrightcopyright2.gif (9565 bytes)1999
The work on this site is protected by the international copyright laws,,,
to copy or reproduce any or all of this work you must have
the expressed written permission of Angelwings/
( [email protected])
all rights reserved



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