This is my life (Boring as it is)
Right now I can tell you that I am a student at The Ohio State University, majoring in Human Development and Family Science, or at least I will be once I change my major. I have a huge interest in children and I hope to become an elementary teacher once I graduate.
I don't do anything interesting here, except go to class. I do all of my interesting stuff in the summer time in Cincinnati, my home town. I work at a summer camp there, where I am a councilor to eight year olds. I love being outdoors and working with kids.
In my spare time up here, when I'm not talking to my friends on the internet or playing computer games, I like to read. I am slowly making my way through Steven King's The Dark Tower Series. When I say slow though, I mean slow, I just made it to "The Drawing of the Three." I hope to finish it soon. As in this school year, maybe.
For a small list of books to read and books to avoid Click Here!