Instructions given to Advance Placement Studio Art Students by the Teacher, 1997-98

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Students are advised to work from still life.  They generally ignore this advice. I instruct that the drawing/ painting/ photograph   should look better than the still life. Their job as a creative artist is to make their concept of reality look better/ more interesting than reality.

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This crayon (eight color box) drawing was done to show the students that it is the mind of the artist that creates the reality and not the tools.   They are advised not to work from photographs unless their goal is to make their art photographic.

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Previously I had done this abstract crayon drawing. Although abstract, the style is very similar to the crayon drawing in the middle. An individual style does not have to be pursued. Individual styles are a combination of all the artist knowledge whether it be math, science or art.

The following two pieces of (in progress)art were started to show the students that by exploring with the media, creative ideas will come.  The only preconcieved idea was that "flowing ink makes good trees".  I made the ink flow until I got an adequate tree.  The concepts then came.  At this point the drawing on the left is Owl from Hell the one on the right is God inspecting the Garden of Eden after Capitalism.

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