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Chapter 4 - Joyce/Paul Klee:

Thanks Bob for teh summary of chapter 4. I have to read again before coming back with more comments.

For now, wanted to say something about the articles on Joyce in the weekend edition of NZZ -

Neue Zuercher Zeitung. Three articles under Literatur und Kunst section.

* The friendship between James Joyce and Carola Giedion-Welcker

* Carola Giedion-Welcjer on C.G.Jung

* A Bloomiade - Ulysses lyrics- a master piece or ..?

The first talks about how much Carola G-W helped Joyce to escape from France and come to Zuerich in 1940. He died a month after reaching Switzerland. Carola G-W, German grew up knowing English, German and French and was a specialist of modern art. Because of these expertise, she could immediatley see what a great work U was. In 1928 she published an essay on Ulysses in the magazine 'Neue Zuercher Rundschau'. Among other things she said that "Like Paul Klee does in paintings, Joyce humanises in language the world of things and creatures." (Hopefully my quick translation is correct). I wonder if any of you know this essay. I will try to locate it in the next couple of weeks. She also wrote a letter to Jung who had given a talk criticising U. In her letter which is the second article mentioned above, she basically told Jung that he did not understand U and went to show why she thought so.

For those who know German, the articles can be found at


Look for 'Literatur und Kunst' in the 18/18. March 2000 edition.

On chapter 3, later.

