I have lately started to create art based solely of pigment, paper, and brush. I found myself painting daily, using guash and water color. Obsessed, I sat and painted, insanely creating, filling time with colors and shapes. I found that creating became like breathing, I was suffocating without creation, without the process of painting anything and everything I wanted, when I finished a different pleasure or pain was felt based on the end result. I leave you only with ones I found pleasure in.



I am sorry, but I am too lazy to make thumbnails, and after all, isn't it nicer not knowing what shall pop up, what frozen bit of time and window you shall get into my madness?



,this one is all gothy

this is the 2nd one.

yes, this is my burning man


I hope you will like this


but what the hell,


it is a odd pic.


This one is about the army abby did lots with it.




thisone is me, can't youtell?!