by Wayne J. (Brownie) Brown
August 10, 1999
Dear Family Members:
Terry asked me to write the highlights of the last Selby reunion and I just figured out how to access this feature on my computer. The highlights as I remember them may not be recognizable to you, but here goes.
Each member of the Selby family was represented with the exception of Lenon�s. Dennis and Karen were both there, one from California and the other from Florida. Terry also came from California. Stan and Sally traveled from Omaha; Rob, Stacey and Cooper from Colorado and Mark, Shirley and Derik from Tennessee; George and Phyllis from Omaha and Lazine and Brownie from Arizona. Evelyn came from Dallas as did Leslie, Larry and Kathy. Mary Margaret, Shannon, Reilly and Tony.
James was more than genereous in opening his home and booze for those inclined to nip a mite. That was before the doctor told Brownie that if he laid off the booze, he might live another ten or fifteen �days.� James� family had perfect attendance with Bob, Connie, Amy and Robert; Joe, Sheri, Leslie and John: Jim, Shelia, Becky, Jade and Kash being there along with Mary Margaret.
Obviously, the main highlight for me was the fact that Lazine could still be with us. The hospitality of the Selby clan was beyond a doubt the best anyone could hope for. For this, they deserve a great THANK YOU!!!! We also have to thank them for not reinacting the convenience store robbery adjacent to the motel. I don�t think Leslie could have gotten through the experience one more time. You never know what to expect when Jim is in charge of the meat. A whole hog, deep fried fish and a deep fried turkey. Any one of which would have made the trip worthwhile. Then there was the wonderful Broadmore Market steaks that Stan and Sally brought from Omaha. There was some concern expressed that the hog never would get done if those who wanted their picture taken didn�t stop opening the lid. Not to worry, it was excellent. Other than the food, which some of us find more and more interesting as the year�s go by, there was the talent show.
Now let me tell you about the talented Selby
family. Mary Margaret and Leslie did their song and dance routine and I
thought I had returned to the days of the Ziggfield Follies. They were
joined by Sheri for the dreamlovers routine. Now there are three
talented ladies! James had a little trouble getting started on �The Church
in the Wildwood" but with the able assistance of Bob brought the house
down. George and Sally�s duet turned out to be a solo by George as he wouldn�t
share the microphone. He really put all he had into it. All 230 pounds.
Leslie (Parks) gave a standing ovation performance with her piano recital.
The younger generation came through with some wonderful acts following
which they invited all who dared to come forward to learn a popular dance
routine that everyone had to know. Lazine tried it, but Brownie said
his knee was hurting too much. Actually he was a coward. Bob was the perfect
ring master and kept the party going at a fast pace. Following dinner the
pace was a mite fast for us old folks and we took our full tummies and
great memories to bed. The younger, and some not so young, continued to
party well into the night