Hey, welcome to the page that tells about mainly my life and the people in it. I will try to have pictures of various people. Well, today, being the day I put this on here, is November 16, 1999. I'm 14, freshman in highschool and have a variety of friends. Including the ones you're scared of, the frickin hilarious ones, some messed up kids, different people, hella fine looking ones, you get the point.


Hopefully I can some pictures of myself and my friends on my page soon. I will be working to get that to happen.


I realize now, even before I uploaded this page onto the web that it needed updated. So here I go, It's the 18 of February, Happy Birthday Jamie, and tomorrow will be the 19th, Suli we love you, ofcourse, and I hope you enjoyed your birthday cake, haha. I'm fifteen now, and today is ten days after my birthday! Hell yah, word to Ryan Griffin whos gets his permit in just about a few days to a month, we're going to have some mad skating sessions. Along with the skating, after I move out of my house and get my DV camera i'll be added some pictures of all my people out in Cave Creek, CCNS forever, damn straight. Also we'll have some local video clips, which will be ill, so stay tuned.