Chronicles Of Chaos Webzine DeathFrost - _Cynoptik of DeathFrost / Death to All_ by: Adrian Bromley (6 out of 10) (, 2001) While there are a lot of bands out there willing to explore, grow and alter their direction as their musical careers go along, I think it is safe to say that Cynoptik of the one-man band DeathFrost will not have any of those issues to worry about. You see, should Cynoptik make it to, say, ten years in this business, his vast and versatile sound will no doubt grow in leaps and bounds and embracing new styles and sounds will be second nature to him. The music -- an assortment of techno beats, black metal guitar riffs and odd sound effects -- really does sound cool (especially opener "Father Devil"), but two discs of over the top material like this takes its toll, as it swooshes in and out of styles, slowly creeping along to sinister beats and distorted screams. I'm not sure if die-hard metal fans will want to give this band a chance, but for those of you who like early Burzum or the totally underrated Ultraviolence, then this might peak your interest. "Might" is the key word here. Contact: