8. Scripts
have been briefly introduced in §1.3. A script is a sequence of
instructions that may be executed to replace manual operations on BP2.
AppleScript and HyperTalk are good examples of script languages used by the
Macintosh®. Most recent software environments are scriptable, some even
are accessible from AppleScript.
only link between BP2 scripts and the Mac operating system is through BP2
script files (or their aliases). In other words, if AppleScript sends a
double-click to a BP2 script, then BP2 will automatically be launched and the
script will be executed. However, AppleScript will loose the control until the
script has been entirely executed and the "Quit" instruction has been found.
The script could for instance load some data and/or grammars, produce musical
items, print windows, etc., and then return to AppleScript. See for instance
which is used to verify most functions of BP2.
later version of BP2 might be "scriptable", i.e. operated step by step from
"+sc" was chosen instead of "-sc" to avoid confusion with "-se".)
AppleScript and HyperTalk, the current version of BP2 script language does not
accept variables and has no conditional branching ('if', 'repeat'...).
executes scripts in two ways: either it reads them in the "Script" window, or
it reads them directly from disk. In the first case, the current instruction
is hilited in the "Script" window, in the second case it appears in the
"Message" window (the bottom line of the screen). Execution may also be done
step by step.
instructions are listed in the "Script" menu.
the script language comprises already 161 instructions, it is still under
development. Priority has been given to automating music performance, rather
than edit procedures.
8.1 Checking
a script
executing a script for the first time it is recommended to select "Check
current script" in the "Script" window. This debugging tool does not only
checks script syntax. It also checks that all files loaded by the script are
accessible. If another script is called by the current script, it is loaded
and in turn checked. The debugger also makes sure that the same script will
not be called twice during the current script's execution (thus avoiding
recursive calls). If a file is not found, the script debugger prompts the user
to locate it. Then it may rename the file or keep trace of its location by
inserting instructions like "Set directory..." or "Set Vref...".
Understandably, it is necessary to call "Check current script" every time once
of the files used by the script has been renamed or relocated.
8.2 Scripts,
volumes and folders
BP2 scripts can load files from different folders, and even from remote disks,
it is recommendable to keep all concerned files in single project folder. An
excellent method is to keep files where they are and to place their aliases
into the project folder, as shown Fig.10.
execution time, BP2 does its best to identify folder(s) in which the files
required by the script will be found. For example, if a grammar file has been
loaded from a specific folder, then other grammar files will be searched in
that same folder. In addition, the folder in which the current script is saved
will be searched. Instruction "Set directory..." will provide the path to a
specific folder.
"Set Vref..." is less practical because the value of Vref depends on the
volumes currently opened. If a script contains "Set Vref..." it may not
execute properly if you start your computer in a different configuration, e.g.
the Syquest unit or the scanner is not switched on. If the script debugger
generates a "Set Vref..." instruction it is therefore recommendable to delete
it and locate the file (or an alias of it) on the same volume as the script.