Spain - Haiti


1898 War with Spain
-- June 14, Sgt. John H. Quick at Cuzco Well, Cuba, wigwags (signals) USS Dolphin to direct ships' fire; Quick awarded Medal of Honor for his action.
-- National Press pounce on story of Marines in action at Cuzco Well; this begins recognition of the name "Marine."

1900 --
China Relief Expedition (Boxer Rebellion)

1901 -
Pvt. Dan Daly awarded his first Medal of Honor for actions while in China (Battle of Peking July, 1900)

1907 --
"Horse Marines" -- China Marines guarding Legation Quarter organized this small detachment, mostly for ceremonies and crowd control, riding Mongolian Ponies. Marines who served in China were often referred to as "Horse Marines."

1912 --
Nicaraguan Campaign

1912 -- Birth of Marine Corps Aviation -- Lt. A.A. Cunningham 1st Marine Aviator; Cunningham, designated Naval Aviator #5, Sept. 17, 1915

1914 --
Maj. Smedley Butler awarded his first Medal of Honor for actions at Vera Cruz

1915-1924 --
Occupation of Haiti

1915 --
Maj. Smedley Butler and Gunnery Sgt. Dan Daly awarded their second Medals of Honor for actions while in Haiti

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