"The Story of the Pheonix"

by Emily Newman

The pheonix learned to fly
One day
And soared on fire wings

The pheonix learned to cry
One day
She wept with burnt tears

The pheonix learned to die
One day
As her flames destroyed her

The pheonix learned peace
One day
When she heard no crackling fire

Then, it is said,
An old man
Came to her
Withered and wrinkled
With wisdom-
A sage

"It is your fate
To be born
Of the fire
And die
Of the fire
Again and again."

The pheonix screamed
One day
The pain would come again

The pheonix remembered
One day
Soaring in the blue sky

The pheonix smiled
One day
At the beauty she missed

The pheonix was born
One day
With new understanding

The pheonix thought
One day
"Life without pain is life without joy"

The pheonix flew
One day
And learned to appreciate

The pheonix died again
One day
This time, there was no pain