Student employment in different countries.

Rules governing student employment vary from country to country. You need to read carefully before assuming anything. If you are unsure, go to the embassy of your destination country (in Zimbabwe) and ask before you commit yourself. If you are unsure, email us for confirmation of the validity this information.

Summary of Student employment in the UK :

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At you entry port, such as Heathrow Airport or Gatwick Airport, you will pass through immigration, where your passport will be stamped. Depending on which visa you are assigned, you will be eligible to work or not work. Generally all foreign students on a student visa are not allowed to work. All entrants on a visitor's visa are not allowed to work. If your visa does not allow you to work, you qualify for deportation should you be found working.

However, once you are assigned student status, that is when you have registered to be a full time student at a recognised institute of education, you may be able to ask for change of employment status. To do this you go to the local employment office with your passport, student card, letter from the college/university, and explain that you would like to work. They may allocate you a maximum number of hours you can work per week.

In most cases, students get low paid jobs. The minimum pay determined by the government for adults working in the UK is £4 per hour. Although this may seem a lot of money after applying the home country exchange rate, the problem is that things in the UK are so expensive that a Pound buys very little. Compare your rent in the UK at £25-£80 per week with what you would pay for a simple room in your home country.

If you should get accepted for work, you will be allocated a National Insurance Number. Without this number, you would find it very difficult to work. It is illegal to use someone else's number. It is also illegal for employers to employ you without this number.   Unless you are self employed, you will find getting round this rule difficult. At this point you will need the help of others fromyour own country or from AID organisations.

Summary of Student Employment in the USA

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Waiting for information

Summary of Student Employment in the RSA

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Waiting for information

Email us some valid information for the country you are in. Thank you

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